Julie in Michigan

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Holistic, Herbs or Homeopathy?

I was recently asked what I was most interested in: Holistic, Herbal or Homeopathic. Let me first define these terms to show that they are not mutually exclusive.

Holistic Health is an umbrella term for many alternative health practices that suggests all aspects of a person’s life must be considered in sustaining a healthy body. Nutrition, exercise and stress-reduction are viewed as contributing factors in maintaining a healthy body and state of mind.

Symptoms of dis-ease, unexpected or distressing symptoms are considered in relation to the whole person when viewed holistically. A remedy is sought that encompasses all aspects of the person, including the physical symptoms and corresponding psychological, social and spiritual conditions.

What this means is that Holistic medicine/health/healing deals with the whole body, including the body of our affairs. We are not an automobile that might have a bad carburetor, brakes or battery. We don’t have removable replaceable parts; we are a whole package and all aspects of our life figure into our health and well-being, including nutrition, stress level, exercise, toxins, whether taken orally or through our breath, skin, or environment. In Holistic Healing work we look at the whole picture. See American Holistic Health Association for more information.

Homeopathy is defined by Wikipedia as “a system of alternative medicine originated in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his doctrine of similia similibus curentur ("like cures like"), according to which a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similar symptoms in sick people”.

I find homeopathy often serves as an initial stepping stone into alternative health care by parents. Frequent minor issues in children, such as ear aches or pink-eye will wear the patience of parents repeatedly returning to a doctor of western medicine with associated office visits costs, prescription refills and often missed work due to day-care, school rules or children’s discomfort. A trip to the health store might simply involve asking a well-informed clerk for over-the-counter remedies which are not designed to just hide the symptoms. For less than $10 usually, a small container of what appears to be tiny sugar pills will be suggested. The instructions will indicate that 5-7 pills should be placed under the tongue several times a day without touching the skin. A specially designed container makes it possible to avoid fingers touching medicine. A quick recovery without side effects, or an infection return, will create a positive impression in the parent and the creation of a lifelong habit.

Herbology is another school of study, falling under the holistic health and healing umbrella. Herbs have been used for health and nutrition for thousands of years. The Bible lists herbs used for food and nutrition. Herbs grow wild in many regions and interestingly enough, with nature unchecked, you will frequently find that the very herb you need for your specific condition is growing right outside your door.

Unfortunately, our society has determined that herbs are weeds and should be killed. The pharmaceutical industry has dissected herbs into creations of their own so they may be tested and patented with resultant high costs and side-effects. God gave us the plants to heal our bodies and as such, are in perfect form where allergic reactions are rare and side-effects don’t exist.

Herbal lore has been handed down over the centuries from mothers to daughters and witch-doctors, shamans and wise-women to apprentices. Thousands of books have been written and historical texts are treasured. The appropriate herb to use for a specific condition is selected based on region and availability, raised organically or wild crafted, grown easily  in your kitchen garden or in danger of extinction from over harvesting.

There are thousands of herbs and varieties. Some herbalists recommend taking one or two herbs and studying them for awhile and then moving on to another few choices, combining various uses – culinary or medicinal. Many people visit doctors of Chinese Medicine, which is a more holistic approach than western allopathic medicine, primarily encompassing acupuncture and Chinese herbs.

Ayurvedic medicine, originating in India, analyzes various aspects of a patient in order to categorize them before selecting the appropriate herbs. Questions are asked about diet, behavior, lifestyle, recent illnesses and their system’s resilience. The practitioner observes the patient’s teeth, tongue, skin, eyes, weight and overall appearance. Finally, checks are performed on urine, stool, speech, voice and pulse.

In summary, holistic health and healing encompasses many forms of observation and choices for nutrition and health based on the total body system. It would be a lifelong ambition to know ‘all’ herbs. Rather herbs are chosen based on region, availability, patient condition and personal choice. I believe in a holistic approach to health. I believe in prevention rather than cure. I am a massage therapist, reiki master, herbalist, breathwork facilitator, shamanic practioner and craniosacral therapist. Nutritionally, I am Vegan, omitting white sugar & flour. I have herbs growing in my kitchen and bottles of herbal capsules in my medicine chest. I make my own herbal extracts and tinctures. Thanks for the opportunity to answer the question!

Friday, February 8, 2013

I'm looking forward to this ...

Happily, Hay House is letting me get started reading the online version of my newest book selection, In the Shadow of a Badge. For those of us who are fans of the crime scene investigation television series and also very interested in stories about Angels and Miracles, I think this will serve us well.

I've also been asked about purchasing just the mp3 Music for the remarkable work of The Rev on the sound track included with the book, Transcendance Expanded. If you only one purchase one song this year, U R The Answer, is the one you should pick. Here is the link.

Or, if you want the CD: 

and if you want to read along with me, here's my newest selection:

Saturday, February 2, 2013

"Once you hear the Truth, it's not going to rest...

.. until it becomes fully available in your awareness"

.. until it becomes fully available in your awareness"

I hope I can convey to you all that this little book, TranscenDancexpanded Book & Music CD Set by Michael Bernard Beckwith, provides. To begin on page one and continue to the last page is a meaningful and rewarding experience in itself. However, I will not be limiting myself to one read of this book.

This paragraph from the book so eloquently describes unconditional love: "When you're around someone who loves you unconditionally, you become aware that they have no judgment about you. You become aware that they've suspended their beliefs and opinions about anything that may have happened in your life. There are no projections going on. Your loved ones are able to see through your foibles or personality quirks, straight to the essence of your being. No matter what happens in the outside world, those that love you are able to hold the space of support, acceptance, and encouragement, seeing you at your best and highest, regardless of the situation." Not too many humans actually love unconditionally, but what Beckwith is asking us to see is "Who Loves You, baby?"

The transcriptions of the Rev's talks, as he is affectionately called, are each gems in their own right. Following in sequence, they build upon the ideas communicated in the prior chapters. The last chapter, rather than a talk is a "spontaneous, mystical flow of consciousness" with "intimate insights and revelations of his soul". The ultimate purpose is to "expand upon how the individual human spirit, living in conscious oneness with the Ineffable, unfolds the mystery, beauty, and perfection of one's divine destiny". What more you could you ask of 148 6"x7" pages?

Ah music! If you can remain sitting while listening to the enclosed music CD, you're a better woman than me. Not only does the music call to the dancer and/or foot tapper, but the words mirror the messages from the talks.

Let's talk about contributors to this masterpiece. Stephen Bray, Grammy-nominated producer, songwriter, engineer and artist with credits including well-known collaborations, including a Tony nomination for his work on The Color Purple. John Potoker is another Grammy-nominated mixer and producer for some of the best known names with many multiplatinum recording artists. Stephen Powers, Co-founder and President of Agape Media International, with credits encompassing many well known and loved artists also contributed his talents to this magnificent recording.

All songs, except the last, were recorded live at Agape International Spiritual Center in Las Angeles. On December 22, 2013 Agape hosted a PLANETARY BIRTH DAY GALA at Agape where top transformational leaders, visionaries, musicians, dancers, artists, writers, comedians, healers, shamans and practitioners joined together for an unprecedented historical gathering to culminate hundreds of `shift' events worldwide and activate extraordinary possibilities for ourselves and our new world!

Just to let you know the friends and guests that spoke at the birthday celebration; Well-known celebrities included Michael Bernard Beckwith, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Stephen Dinan, Marcia Wieder, Rinaldo Brutico, Sister Jenna, Android Jones & Phadroid. Messages from Jean Houston, Lynne Twist, James O'Dea, Lynne McTaggart were additionally included.

This book is going to hold a permanent place on my bedside table. Starting the day with a random paragraph, holding that thought and finishing my day with another random paragraph promises my life will change for the better with the positive affirmations this book holds. I've placed the CD songs onto my car mp3 player so I can listen to these positive messages while driving with uplifting music as background.

This beautiful book was a gift from Hay House in exchange for this written review and post on julieinmichigan.blogspot.com, No requirements of a positive review were requested. Only honest criticism was asked of me.