Julie in Michigan

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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Review: The Man Who Risked It All

Laurent Gounelle, personal development specialist and leader of international seminars, wrote his fourth book to assist us in understanding the principles of Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), by initially portraying himself as a lowly employee, lacking in self-confidence, The Man Who Risked It All, and ultimately finding a level of confidence in himself, unforeseen in the opening chapters.

By the final chapter our narrator has become self-confident enough to pull off a solo sting operation at the firm which would have been his former employer if his plan had not worked. We watch the hero’s journey unfold as he initially finds himself on a window ledge, determined to end the pain and suffering of the life he feels destined to be his. Only by the presence of the stranger appearing at his side, does he become obliged to give life another try. Our author finds he is unable to break a promise he has made to the stranger. Fear controls his life and he feels assured if he runs, the threatened consequences will be delivered.

While reading the story, I pondered whether the stranger was to be revealed as an earthly version of Satan? However, by giving our leading man assignments that will open the door to his knowledge of how he has truly been limited by his own lacking self-confidence in his skills and abilities, we will ponder at the puzzle of his rude and painful treatment of our man in juxtaposition with the overall improvement of confidence in himself.

Accounting is his career and he has no qualms regarding his mathematical abilities as shown through his ability to perform mental math while being accosted from every side with negative comments, under the rueful eye of his employer. However, his self-confidence, as we might understand, eventually falters under the artful besiege of insults. The surprise ending reveals the stranger’s identity and his manipulations made behind the scenes.

The book held me spellbound as I drove to find out the stranger’s identity, the reason for his interest and our protagonist’s eventual success or failure. A very favorable review is in order. I plan to share this book with several friends, I highly recommend it.

I did receive a free copy of this book from Hay House Publishing in order to write this review. I received no monetary compensation and was not obligated to make it a positive review. I was simply asked to give my honest opinion and this is it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Review of Feng Shui Simply

Cheryl Grace did an excellent job of creating an in-depth look at Feng Shui. While she lays out the principals commonly found in most books on the topic, she goes one step further to create a guide for fine-tuning one’s internal environment.

As the author begins to convey the principals of design that work with the location and orientation of the home, placement of furniture and use of color, artwork and accessories to create a harmonious environment, she goes on to provide the additional practices to aid and support this ancient art. As she notes, most of the focus of Feng Shui lies in external changes to the environment. She became more excited by working with the unseen world, the world of energy, using the tools of intuition and intention, according to the text. 

Ms. Grace utilized the traditional Bagua as a starting point for inner growth by association the qualities of inner life that she found to associate with each point on the map. For example, for Health & Family she connected with the inner qualities of discernment and forgiveness; for Helpful People and Travel, patience and an open mind.

The author brings attention to her work with the I Ching and its wisdom on the subject of transformation, which happens, as she states, when the truth resonates so strongly on the inside that the outside shifts on its own. Finally she sets out five steps, including listening deeply, seizing the moment and graciously receiving what you ask for, to help you reach your potential. She asks the questions that will enable you to find your personal truth in every area of your life.

This is a very well rounded, informative book on Feng Shui that considers the art in combination with various other helpful arts, practices and questions to consider, enabling the reader to create the life they most want.

I did receive a free copy of this book from Hay House Publishing in order to write this review. However, I received no monetary compensation and was not obligated to make it a positive review. I was simply asked to give my honest opinion and this is it.