I must find the bright side of events, especially those that are negative at first glance. Not that we haven't had a few glances at the current health negative scare.

For a frustrated introvert that cannot seem to stay home, I'm successfully staying at home with a self-quarantine. That's a good thing because I have a lot to do. Unfortunately, I often find myself with too much to do. I decided to make some decisions to make my life simpler. I'm going to focus on two projects.

First of these, my handmade cloth dolls. I've been painting faces and dreaming of various adaptations to the model that I created in 2017. I made 15 dolls with various shades of hair, eyes and clothes. These were gifts for family and friends. I could have made more but Christmas deadline came fast and that's when I stopped sewing and started gifting. I received lots of positive comments. A few suggestions concerning marketing the dolls but I just never got one of those round to-its.
Here I am again with intention to make dolls. I'm working on my body pattern now but I'm happy with the faces.

With the remainder of my stay at home time I'll work on getting some of my stories either published or put them into an e-book format and start distributing them to friends for their reactions. More about that later. For now, the Eyes have it.
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