Julie in Michigan

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Reiki and Alzheimer's

This will be a short post but I must write something. I spent time with a most gracious, elderly lady yesterday. Intelligent, polite, friendly and losing her mind, one memory at a time. Pardon me if this description of alzheimer's is not medically accurate, but my first encounter and this is how it appears to me.

I cried this morning, it just broke my heart for her to awaken and tell me that she doesn't know why she is 'there' (in her home), who I am ( I spent last evening with her)... wondering where her husband is (he died several years ago) or how her sofa got in this place (she and her husband bought the home about ten years ago).

I held my tears til I left. When I got to my computer I googled "reiki alzheimer's" and found that even the US Government is studying the positive results of Reiki on alzheimer's patients, and all the positive results obtained.

I've been sending distance treatments to her today. I will continue this evening.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I promise

I promise to post a new picture today. My hair is so much shorter, spunkier! I'm enjoying Chicago, currently exploring the northwestern side, which seems like it should be the northeastern side although I guess there is no northeastern side to Chicago! I like Evanston. I've gotten as far north as Waukegan. Come back later today, I ~promise~ a current photo rather than this one that was taken about a year ago.