Julie in Michigan

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

This book is Phenomenal !

I love this book and will continue to use it as a resource for a long time to come. It wasn’t totally new material for me as I had taken an Emotional Freedom Techniques class (EFT) about 15 years ago after having a session with a woman in Colorado. I could see the sense of the techniques in the verbal description but didn’t find the process as beneficial as I had expected. My feelings about EFT and Tapping changed dramatically after reading this book.

Why does one person explain a process and have it make logical sense but little result and have another explain the process and experience tremendous results from putting the instructions into practice? Perhaps it has to do with timing and that I am just more ready to find relief at this point in my life than I was in the past. Whatever the reason, the book was the key for me.

The only criticism I might have of this book is that a word of caution may be in order before proceeding to work through every issue that pops in your mind over one day and clearing all the muck too quickly. You can probably guess that was my modus operandi.

I started Nick Ortner’s book with hope that I could revive and put to better use my previous training. I was ready to go to work on every issue that I could think of. With every tapping experience during this first day, I seemed to find a deeper issue to work on next. The fact that this will occur is mentioned in the book and it is possible that Mr. Ortner mentioned a word of warning about going too fast and I possibly sped through that mention.

Not that this did any harm other than I slept around the clock pretty much for the next several days, waking only to use the restroom facilities and have a bite to eat, then back to bed.

Yes, my free-floating anxiety was gone, yes; the pain in my neck was gone. True, several issues that had plagued me for a while were gone. Would I do it again, all in one day? I think I might have learned to slow down a little and spread this book over a week or two rather than eating it up in one sitting.

Enjoy~ the writing is clear and the instructions are very easy to follow.

I did receive a free copy of this book from Hay House Publishing in order to write this review. I received no monetary compensation and was not obligated to make it a positive review. I was simply asked to give my honest opinion and this is it.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Final Move

I'm moving next week, about 2 miles down the road, still in Michigan. I think I'm gonna love it - its a old farmhouse (a Sears house which brings up all kinds of research for me to follow up on) on a 100 acre operational Fruit & Horse farm. I've been packing for awhile and I'll get the keys a week from Wednesday with the furniture being moved on Saturday, the 18th. 

Turns out Sears sold about 70 thousand of the 'kits' from 1908 to 1940 and this one looks to be one of the 350 designs, a Sheridan, and was built in the late 1920's. The house was sold in 1951 (the year I was born) to a family that owned it up until recently. The Missus died in 1998 at the age of 88 and her husband in 2003 at the age of 96 - he'd already planted his spring garden that year. Their son  lives about 1/4 mile down the road and he was in his late teens when his parents bought the house. He and his wife walk everyday and are very helpful in the history they remember. 

It's a huge house - 3 bedrooms and bath up and 1 bedroom, bath, dining room, kitchen and living room downstairs plus a basement. One of the out buildings can be used for my soap-making since it has a sink, bathroom and heater. It's amazing. 

The current owners live about 1/2 mile away in his historic family home but the land was sold and the owner is a big business guy accumulating land in the area. This is why the current owners farm the land but live elsewhere so its a great opportunity for me. There are 100 acres with apple, sweet cherry and peach orchards. About 5 horses and he'd like to do more horse rescue - I've already got a good relationship with one of the horses. You can see pics if you scroll down. 

There are fine with me adding goats and chickens and I'm seriously considering bee-keeping. The owner has already tilled up a 20x20 patch for my garden this year and I can start planting right away. The garden is where the family had an organic composted garden for many years so the soil should be excellent. Corn & Tomatoes are on their way.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Spring Garden

 On my patio, the Sage and Chives are coming back to life. Lettuce and Beets are sprouting.

In a little while I'll go over to Church and see how the Community Garden is coming along and then plan to attend the Monthly Soup Supper where the local churches and organizations join forces to raise money for the North Berrien Food Pantry, located at the Coloma United Methodist Church. I have a 4x8 plot there for my growing where Cilantro, Comfrey, Beets, Carrots, Radishes and Lettuce were planted about ten days ago. Finally, the big one... 20x20 is being plowed up for me now, at the Farm. I'll plant corn, sweet potatoes (hope they grow up here), lots of tomatoes & peppers so I'll be canning salsa, spaghetti sauce and plain ole tomatoes. Green, Wax and Italian Beens are likely additions. Should keep me busy for awhile~

I've updated the Events Page for Paw Paw River Campground and Canoes. Also created an Event for the Spring Grand Opening at the Watervliet Fruit Exchange

Fruit Trees Blossoming in Southwest Michigan

Sweet Cherry Blossoms

Apple Blossoms


Apple Blossoms

Apple Blossoms


 Please correct me if I'm wrong on which blossoms go with which fruit. As it comes time to Harvest, there will be no doubt in my mind!


We had an unfortunate second meeting, which thankfully has been overcome.  The first time we met face to face Kevin was there and he showed me how to push her head away when she tries to snuggle under my arms and push me over and to say AWAY when I really want her to back off.  Later, I went back by myself and forgot the fence was electrified. YIKES we both got a shock. Kevin said I better go back and let her find out that I'm not electric. We made peace. She's my favorite. I'd rather ride her around the farm than the golf cart. Watch out for us!


I finally will be getting to use my Honey Bees & Beekeeping, A year in the life of an Apiary by Keith S. Delaplane from the University of Georgia Extension Office. All these years I've carried this book on my travels until I finally arrived at the place where I could use it and here I am. Currently these 4 hives have been rented for the blossoming season... but next year~ 


The forsythia is one of the first splashes of springtime color in many yards in the northern United States and has become a landscape staple throughout New England. Its bright yellow blossoms light up the yard, mirroring the golden sun above.  They provide a thick screen between neighboring yards and a secure nesting area for several species of birds. The forsythia is very cold-hardy and durable. Its prolific root system enables it to withstand droughts as well as any northern plant. To get the best blossoms year after year, however, one must know how to prune the forsythia properly.
Learn When to Prune by Observing Your Plants
Choosing the right time to prune the forsythia is the most important aspect of preserving the blossoms for the following year. If you prune too late in the year, you'll be removing next year's flowers before they have a chance to bloom. The spring-time forsythia erupts in thousands of little bright yellow flowers along the length of its branches early in the spring. The flowers come out even before the leaves do. The flowers will cover the new growth on the outside of the forsythia bush, leaving the older growth inside more bare. This gives the observant gardener a clue about when to prune. Source: http://voices.yahoo.com/how-prune-forsythia-bush-5559325.html

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Life is Good

It just keeps getting better. I love Website work, Google Analytics, Marketing… when I believe in the Business. When I work with good people, when the food is good and I’m finding it.

Why did I ever leave? At least I’m back!